Legal Tech

Intelligent Document Processing System

The Challenge

This project aims to automate the process of extracting relevant information from various document forms (invoices, application forms, legal contracts) and converting it into structured data that can be easily manipulated and analyzed. This structured data can then be integrated into databases or used to feed into other business processes, enhancing efficiency, reducing manual data entry errors, and providing actionable insights more quickly.

The Solution

At the core of our solution is the integration of leading-edge OCR and NLP technologies, complemented by advanced Machine Learning models. This powerful combination enables our system to adeptly convert diverse document forms into structured, high-quality data.

  • Efficient Data Extraction: Leveraging OCR and NLP, our engine excels at extracting data from various documents, ensuring accuracy even in complex layouts.
  • Contextual Understanding: Large Language Models grant the system the ability to understand the context and semantics, enhancing data interpretation and extraction from intricate elements.
  • Data Quality Assurance: An automated process cleanses and enriches the extracted data, ensuring its reliability and readiness for integration into business workflows.
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The Framework Is
Designed To





Our AI-driven IDP solution has achieved:

40% reduction in data processing time

our solution's advanced AI capabilities streamline the data extraction process, cutting down processing time by nearly half, which accelerates workflow and enhances efficiency.

50% lower operational costs

by automating the data extraction and validation process, our system significantly reduces the costs associated with manual data handling and errors, leading to considerable savings.

data-driven decision framework

with access to accurate and timely structured data, the company can make informed decisions faster, leveraging insights derived from analytics to drive strategic initiatives.


GPT-3.5 & GPT-4

Guillaume Bouchard

CEO at Checkstep

I highly recommend the LyraTech team for their exemplary work at Checkstep where they showcased great expertise in building AI solutions for content moderation systems. They showed a clear proficiency in designing and fine-tuning LLMs, meticulously evaluating 3rd party APIs to flag online harm, and rigorously testing foundational models. Moreover, their ability to iterate on prompts and professionally present their findings to a large audience significantly contributed to advancing our project

Anna Lytvynenko

Co-founder and CCO of Business Logic Group

Our company is a developer of the proprietary ВР2М platform, which is a solution for commercial performance and planning management. To catch momentum from external AI expertise, we invited Lyratech, led by Kateryna Stetsiuk, for a collaborative workshop with our development team. From the very beginning, Kateryna made the discussions engaging. She shared captivating and systematically structured materials, and with her friendly way of explaining complex things, our team quickly got involved in lively talks, looking at real cases from our work. The collaboration with Lyratech brought quick results: our platform unveiled an AI-driven "Talk-to-Data" feature, which empowered the data discovery and decision-making process.
Our cooperation with Lyratech led to the momentum we require!

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